Wakeup Diet & Exercise Program Restores natural circadian rhythms
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Jet Lag & Shift Work

  • Jet-lag remedies #1. Suggestions at this website might help narcoleptics & sufferers with other diseases that have a phasal component. (For example, hangover, stress, flu & premenstrual syndrome.)

  • Jet-lag remedies #2. This site mentions melatonin, a chemical that the body secretes to stimulate sleep. Also discusses the role of carbohydrates in relaxation, & proteins for alertness. These are important concepts in the Wakeup Diet™.

  • Diet for shift workers helps to maintain wakefulness during night shift. Article stresses good nutrition. While not as strict as Wakeup Diet™, Indian diet parallels Wakeup Diet™. Both diets stress high protein, low fat & low carbs. Illnesses, such as cancer & heart disease, that typically befall night workers.

  • Jet-Lag Diet (JLD) . We don't endorse this diet in its entirety. Yet at least some of its methods are very reasonable. You'll find important parallels to Wakeup Diet™: JLD considers meal times & daily cycles. Cycles include sunset & sunrise, rest & activity.

Medical Research About Jet Lag


  • 62 Natural Ways to Beat Jet Lag, by Charles B. Inlander & Cynthia H. Moran (St. Martin's Paperbacks, 1997). Jet lag sufferers & narcoleptics will find helpful suggestions here, plus science that supports the coping strategy. Not all of the book is compatible with the Wakeup Diet, but much is. For example, the mnemonic on p. 116: “Carbs crash. Proteins perk.” In the back are helpful lists of foods & how to use them: Carbohydrates, such as bread, to promote sleep at night. Proteins, such as salmon, for daytime energy. Narcoleptics should think of the “energy” foods as sustaining foods. Proteins make a narcoleptic less sleepy than carbohydrates or fats do. Also, don't take seriously the story about “caffeine for energy.” FACT: What lifts you up later slams you down even further. The notion that eating proteins before carbs will “trick” the system into staying awake is fantasy. The food goes to the same place. You can't fool your digestive tract. Narcoleptics will have little use for the jet-lag schedules. Yet these schedules show that you can reset circadian rhythms with diet & exercise. Everybody will like the food lists. They're worth the price of the book.

  • The Circadian Prescription, by Sidney MacDonald Baker, M.D. (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2000). Baker's diet helps you to sleep better, avoid jet lag, & improve menopause & ADD symptoms. Think more clearly, feel energized & work more effectively. Maintain your ideal weight. Often consistent with the Wakeup DietTM. Like the Wakeup DietTM, calls for proteins by day and carbohydrates by night.

  • Lick the Sugar Habit, by Nancy Appleton (Avery Trade; 2nd edition, 1988). Not just for narcoleptics! How sugar & sugary foods upset homeostasis. Details of sugar-caused diseases from a survivor. How to modify the diet & improve health. Recipes include delicious & natural sugar substitutes. (Delectable sweet potato chocolate recipe for those with an incurable sweet tooth!)

  • Medication Madness: A Psychiatrist Exposes the Dangers of Mood-Altering Medications, by Dr. Peter Breggin (St. Martin's Press; 1st edition, 2008). Details “spellbinding behavior” that results from psychiatric drugs, including those that treat narcolepsy. These drugs can be devastating to children. According to the author, side effects to all users include permanent brain damage. (Dramatically increased risk of Parkinson's Disease & Tourette's Syndrome.) How to kick the meds & live a better, more productive, healthier life. How to restore quality of life.

  • Melatonin: Nature's Sleeping Pill, by Ray Sahelian, M.D. (Marina Del Rey CA: Be Happier Press, 1995). What the hormone melatonin does to the brain and the body. How levels vary with age and during the day. How melatonin helps to set our circadian rhythms. About melatonin additives. Like the Wakeup DietTM, calls for proteins by day and carbohydrates by night (pp. 64-65).

  • Narcolepsy: A Clinical Guide 2010 edition., by Meeta Goswami, S. R. Pandi-Perumal, Michael J. Thorpy, editors. (New York: Springer Publishing, 2009). The best recent collection of scholarly articles on narcolepsy. Covers all aspects, including the unusual, such as non-pharmaceutical treatments and psychosocial aspects. Excellent source. Organization is by subject. Bibliographies for each chapter lead the reader to further supportive research.

  • Overcoming Jet Lag, by Dr. Charles F. Ehret & Lynne Waller Scanlon (New York: Berkley Books, 1983.) This perspective on jet lag is often compatible with the Wakeup Diet™. The book's chronobiology tables of affected symptoms amplify what you'll read at this domain. The jet lag program developed from chronobiology research at Argonne National Laboratory. The armed forces & major corporations support the program.

  • Your Drug May Be Your Problem, Revised Edition: How and Why to Stop Taking Psychiatric Medications, by Dr. Peter Breggin (Da Capo Press; revised edition, 2007). How controlled substances diminish quality of life for those already suffering from sleep disorders & other ailments. Chapters cover popular sleep-disorder treatments such as stimulants & depressants. How stimulants evoke zombie-like, compliant behavior, while suppressing free will & creativity. Addiction. Impairment of growth. Damage to the skin, circulatory system & nerves.

  • On speed : The Many Lives of Amphetamine, by Nicolas Rasmussen (New York: NYU Press, 2008). People with narcolepsy should read several chapters. The descriptions of medical performance tests on servicemen are an eye opener. After the war, doctors should have known better than to prescribe speed and expect recovery. Speed's euphoria creates the illusion of progress, but never offers genuine improvement. The drugs cause mania. At first, doctors mistook this mania for enthusiasm. They confused compulsion with focus. They misread paranoia as judgment.

    The book is an excellent history of the development and marketing of amphetamine and amphetamine-like stimulants. The story starts with chemist Gordon Alles. Looking for a new decongestant, he discovers amphetamine in 1929 (p. 6). By 1934, SKF begins marketing Alles' discovery as the Benzedrine inhaler (p. 22). This is an over-the-counter product. (No one knows yet that amphetamine is habit-forming.) SKF hires Dr. Abraham Myerson to provide complimentary research and supportive presentations (pp. 31-32).

    Cultural effects: Thrill-seekers eat the contents of the the inhalers for kicks. While cramming for exams, students use Benzedrine as a “pep pill” (pp. 30-31). The war effort drives military applications. To promote vigilance and aggression, the military administers amphetamines to servicemen. Germans take methamphetamine. British and Americans take Benzedrine. (Results of analysis by military researchers: The meds boost confidence, but not performance. Side effects: Hallucinations and errors.) Amphetamine psychosis emerges. In the 1940s and 1950, Benezdrine inhalers are popular with Be-Bop jazz artists and Beat poets. New markets develop: Depression (“anhedonia”), women's medicine, autism, schizophrenia, promotion of productivity, weight loss, etc. New developments: Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine) and Dexamyl (dextroamphetamine plus amobarbital, more addictive than Dexedrine alone). The rise of derivatives such as Ritalin, plus various antidepressants.

    Over-use of prescriptions in the 1960s: Use by President Kennedy, Andy Warhol, rock groups and the Hell's Angels. Frequent dispensing of amphetamines during the weight-loss craze. (Indeed, prescriptions are easy to acquire by anyone who seems to lack zest. Awareness of serious side effects gradually increases (despite suppression of data). Result: New, restictive legislation. By the 1970s, amphetamines and other stimulants sell less briskly.

    Yet marketers find new uses for amphetamines in treatment of other diseases, especially ADHD. Adderall (a combined amphetamine, the new Benzedrine) arrives. The market expands back to where it was in the 1960s, during the popular “go-pill” days. Marketing and regulation are by far not the only story. Rasmussen also covers the often-suppressed personal damage, and the enlistment of doctors to increase sales. Rasmussen uses research to support his discussion.

    Unfortunately Rasmussen clouds his analysis by promoting pro-government “remedies” for these social problems. Somehow he forgets that the government eased servicemen into amphetamine habits during World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. This wartime tale of woe is right there in his own book!

    Also see America's First Amphetamine Epidemic 1929-1971.

Daylight Savings Time & Phase Shifts

  • 1998 DST study. Article about phase-shift problems after DST changes. The article concludes that sleep deprivation might cause a 17 percent increase in traffic accidents. Of course, changes in meal & activity times also impact sufferers of phasal disorders. To a great extent, sleep quality depends on what occurred during the previous day.

  • New England Journal of Medicine. This page summarizes the NEJM article on workplace errors & traffic accidents. Both problems increase on the day after Daylight Savings Time changes.

Impact of Diet on Narcolepsy

Medical Research on Diet

Anecdotal Evidence

  • Appetite and Obesity, by Alice Engel and Norbert Dahmen, in Christian R. Baumann, Claudio L. Bassetti and Thomas E. Scammell, eds., Narcolepsy: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment (New York: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2011), 231. “The narcoleptic patients of the Chabas study reported that eating interfered with their alertness and that they modified food intake accordingly. This included (1) avoiding food at lunch to be more alert in the afternoon versus consuming high amounts of food just before going to bed to reduce fragmentation of nocturnal sleep…”

  • Parasomnias in Narcolepsy with Cataplexy, by Yves Dauvilliers and Regis Lopez, in Christian R. Baumann, Claudio L. Bassetti and Thomas E. Scammell, eds., Narcolepsy: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment (New York: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2011), 297. “However, snacking is common, with up to 80% of patients eating bedtime snacks. …ingestion of carbohydrates during the night, as it has been postulated that narcoleptics use carbohydrates as a sleep inducer to help themselves. Hypocretin is thought to regulate not only sleep but also metabolism and appetite, possibly explaining the association with nocturnal eating. Altogether, eating disorders seem to be an integral part of the narcolepsy phenotype.”

  • Postprandial somnolence: The $64 medical term for "sleepiness after eating." A blog about connections between sleepiness & eating. Responses mention how eating also worsens narcolepsy symptoms. Alertness effects of amino acids in food: Avoiding L-tryptophan foods & increasing L-tyrosine foods.

  • Testimony from people who successfully relieve narcolepsy symptoms with foods.

  • What works & what doesn't. Comments on diet & sleepiness. Home remedies. Starches seem to worsen symptoms for these sufferers of excessive daytime sleepiness. Other foods including proteins contain L-tryptophan. All such foods can cause problems, even with normal people. By the way, the Wakeup Diet™ program doesn't support all these home remedies. For example, caffeinated beverages such as green tea cause phase shifts & violate the Stability Principle.™

  • Blog: Diet & exercise means of controlling narcolepsy. The correspondents are working out their own solutions that tend to parallel the Wakeup Diet™.


  • Food Values of Portions Commonly Used. A paper by Carol High Johnson suggests checking foods for their L-tryptophan content. With the Food Values book, you can easily research tryptophan in many familiar foods, including restaurant foods. Tryptophan is why warm milk before bedtime assures sleepiness. Ms. Johnson's diet avoids foods, particularly proteins, that contain tryptophan. (Reference to Ms. Johnson's paper: July 20, 1991 submission to the National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research, Chicago, IL.)

PMS, Phasal Problems of

  • PMS Symptoms. Note the similarity between symptoms of premenstrual syndrome & the symptoms of narcolepsy & jet lag! (See our symptom list on the right side of our home page.) Exclusive news flash from WakeupDiet.com: These parallels are no coincidence. All these ailments cause phasal dislocations: The patient's body clock is out of sync with its normal daypart. Or worse, various time-related body functions are out of sync with one another.

  • PMS Home Remedies. Great advice! Better, yet: Some of these remedies may relieve symptoms of narcolepsy, cataplexy & other diseases with phasal components.

Hypothalamus Damage

  • Hypocretin. Link to Robert Cloud's narcolepsy life story. Robert is an attorney. Introduction to orexin / hypocretin.

  • Case histories. Stories of Gary Beattie, construction worker, & Bill Baird, former stock broker. Both have had narcolepsy for many years. Connection between orexin & diet abnormalities.

Medical Research About Hypocretin

Problems with Conventional Treatments

  • Medication information. The good & the bad about Dextroamphetamine, Dexedrine, Dexedrine Spansule, Oxydess, Spancap, Methamphetamine, Desoxyn, Desoxyn Gradumet, Amphetamine, & Adderall. Also mentions Ritalin.

  • New finding: Provigil might be addictive. Article from US News & World Report. All treatments, pharmacological or not, have a cost to the patient. Provigil offers many advantages, but it isn't a panacea. You must consider the negative impact. Be a conscientious consumer. Take account & take charge of your own health. With your healthcare provider, discuss alternatives, such as the Wakeup Diet™.

  • Research summaries; Provigil problems; alternatives. The site author is an M.D. Details research by Thomas & Kwong. The study proved that Provigil countered memory deficits of sleep deprivation, but only for moderate tasks. The Volkow 2009 study proves that Provigil is habit-forming. The European Medicines Agency suggests that doctors not use modafinil for any disease except narcolepsy. (Including sleep apnea.) Risks, including cardiovascular risks, are too high.

  • YouTube: Provigil & serious skin reactions. Newfound side effects, including terminal & benign skin rashes. One of these is very serious: Stevens Johnson Syndrome. Page mentions other effects including angioedema, anaphylaxis, hallucinations, suicidal thoughts, mania, & psychosis. Photos of Stevens Johnson syndrome: Click SJ Syndrome.

  • Quick overview describes major medications for sleep disorders. Mentions problems with medications for narcolepsy, such as tachyphylaxis. That is, the tolerance effect that renders stimulants less effective or ineffective.

  • Amphetamines: Link to heart attacks. Article in layman's language from Reuters. Outlines recent medical discoveries from research on amphetamine compounds.

  • Dexedrine risks: Liver damage, abdominal cramping, vomiting, mood swings, high fever, etc.

  • Xyrem (sodium oxybate) side effects. These include breathing difficulty, swelling, hives, sleepwalking, confusion, agitation, vomiting, bladder control, tremors, & hallucinations. (& more.)

  • Medication Madness (Peter Breggin) YouTube interview. A psychiatrist & author of 20 books on psychiatric medications explains risks of psychiatric drugs. These drugs include stimulants that narcoleptics use. Risks for children (including brain damage) are particularly troubling.

  • Child dies from prescribed stimulant use. The drug is Adderall, & subject Matthew was only 14. He had ADHD. Matthew died suddenly as a result of cardiac arrest. Many narcoleptics, some of them children, also take Adderall.

  • Dr. Peter Breggin's site about side effects from psychiatric medications.


  • Hypocretin Treatment, Patent 7,112,566: Must read! Siegel et al. patent includes topics: Hypocretin-1 inhaler. Studies of injectable hypocretin-1 and hypocretin-2. Canine tests. Determination of Hcrt1 (hypocretin-1, orexin-A) dose that eliminates cataplexy & normalizes sleep architecture: 0.3—10 µg /kg. Discovery that higher doses worsen these problems. Discussion of many disorders that such treatment would alleviate...
    Narcolepsy REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS, PLMS) Circadian Rhythm Disorder Sleep Apnea
    Hypersomnia Insomnia Alzheimer's Depression Depression Schizophrenia
    Recommended blood test for narcolepsy: Presence in serum of hypocretin antibodies. Means of determining human doses & testing patients. Possibility of symptom reversal. Administration means: Various types of injections, oral preparations (pills, liquids) & inhalers. Available online (22 pp). Columns 10-23 cover key material.

Wireless Polysomnography

What every sleep center should offer...

  • DreamPort®: Reliable. Portable. Wireless! Polysomnography & MSLT diagnostics have come a long way. But until recently, they were still uncomfortable, expensive, in-patient processes. Until recently, they still required an overnight staff & cumbersome equipment. Soon, the discomfort will ease, equipment will shrink & the bill might drop. Enter wireless home polysomnography. At last, the tangle of wires is gone. At last, the patient can sleep in his own bed! The remote sleep center monitors the entire session. At a patient's Seattle home, the system debuted in 2009. Competitive units store the session in a digital memory. With these storage systems, even the hospital staff might rest easier.

  • Background. From Focus Journal, 2008. Wireless advantages: Patient can get up at night without disturbing equipment. Now polysomnograph can go to patient. Easy setup. Staff can run polysomnogram anywhere in hospital, even ICU. Home polysomnography is possible, too. Electrodes connect to wearable amplifier. Transmits through walls.


Jet Lag, Medical Research About

Diet on Narcolepsy, Impact of

  • Argonne Labs research. See: Ehret & Scanlon, Overcoming Jet Lag, in Books.

  • Diet research result: Duke diet (modified Atkins) helps narcolepsy sufferers. Proven by Husain study at Duke University. Same diet would undoubtedly also help hangover & jet-lag sufferers. What irritates narcolepsy also irritates circadian regulation in normal people. Citation: Husain, AM, WS Yancy, Jr., ST Carwile, PP Miller, EC Westman. 2004. Diet therapy for narcolepsy. Neurology 62. (June 22): 2300-2302.

  • La Trobe University study. Description of study. Bruck, D, S Armstrong, G Coleman. 1994. Sleepiness After Glucose in Narcolepsy. Journal of Sleep Research 3. (September): 171-179.

Hypocretin, Medical Research About

  • Orexin (hypocretin) research at University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas. Dr. Masashi Yanagisawa, professor of molecular genetics & his associates performed the research. The research subjects were mice who could not produce natural orexin. In the study, injected orexin reversed the symptoms of narcolepsy & cataplexy.

  • Orexin (hypocretin) nasal spray. Scientists devised Orexin A nasal spray & administered it to monkeys. Sleep-deprived monkeys who received spray performed as well as non-sleep-deprived monkeys. Orexin A isn't available for humans. Concerns about abuse potential.

Other Narcolepsy Topics, Medical Research About


  • Stevia. News of the UCLA toxicology report.

  • Stevia vs. other artificial sweeteners, such as Aspartame® & Splenda®. Potential risk of Stevia, such as mutations. Suggested alternatives for artificial sweeteners, including refined sugar.

  • King Corn. Visit to your local library & check out this DVD! Some assertions from the DVD...

    • Drinking one can of soda pop per day doubles your chances of developing diabetes.

    • Corn is a major component in most US foods. We feed our livestock corn-based feeds. Processed foods contain corn-derived products. Examples of such processed foods are soda pop, cereal, bread, ice cream, fried foods & candy.

    • 70 percent of our annual US production of antibiotics goes into cattle. There, antibiotics prevent death from corn-based acidosis before the slaughter. A concerned consumer wonders about the antibiotic content of beef in retail markets.

    • Corn feeding reduces time to market & price per pound, satisfying the consumer's desire for economy.

    • The fat content of US hamburgers has risen to 65 percent. The transition from grass-fed to corn-fed beef led to this increase.

    • The majority of slaughtered cattle are obese.

    • Some familiar fast-food restaurants include corn in most of their top-selling dishes.

  • Alleged links between aspartame & narcolepsy. Also other diseases. Alleged metabolic chemistry of aspartame, including appearance of toxins, such as wood alcohol & formaldehyde. Article asserts that Aspartame is a serotonin precursor.

  • Aspartame & Lupus. Is there a connection? Lupus can cause fatigue, reduce the number of blood platelets & damage major organs. This disease turns the immune system against the body. Coincidentally, narcolepsy results from an erroneous immune response. Some people with narcolepsy might be subject to other immune problems.


  • Caffeine & Health. Preview: Caffeine increases aging effects such as osteoporosis (in both sexes). Skin & kidney damage are two other common effects. With caffeine use, hardening of the arteries is more likely.

  • Preview: Caffeine causes anxiety. For alertness, we drink caffeinated beverages such as soda pop, coffee & tea. What we call "alertness," doctors call hypervigilance. The other name for this state is anxiety. Caffeine can cause interrupted sleep & excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). A sensitive person who drinks one caffeine beverage can have sleep problems 12 hours later. Caffeine can aggravate Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS). Unaware of a patient's caffeine sensitivity, doctors might treat the EDS with stimulants. If the patient appears anxious, a doctor commonly prescribes a tranquilizer.


  • Fava beans for energy. Fava beans contain L-dopa, a dopamine precursor. (Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that narcolepsy prescription stimulants affect.) Some Parkinson's disease sufferers eat fava beans to reduce their symptoms. I've read elsewhere on the Web that the necessary amount of beans is quite large (15 oz). I've tried this amount of beans (2011). They are tasty! The large portion actually didn't tire me out as I'd expected. Yet I noted no further boost in energy. I did buy more beans, as they go with many dishes. The taste is between lima and brown beans. When you cook them properly, fava beans also have a delightful texture. Beware: The canned variety contains too much salt. One can of the new beans that I bought contained smaller, less mature beans. After a normal portion of these beans (about half a can), I did note a stimulative effect. In fact, the vasoconstriction in my legs was painful. I don't recommend stimulants of any kind, including fava beans. Stimulants cause peaks and valleys (crashes, sleep attacks). Avoid stimulants. —The Webmaster

  • Ginseng for energy. The users on this page rave about Ginseng. The Ginseng tea that I tried was tasty, but didn't provide any such boost. Note that the Amazon reviewers mention jitters or a crash. Caution: As Dr. Breggin says, a crash is a typical sign of addiction. I wouldn't recommend any product that creates peaks or valleys in daily energy levels. (Valleys inevitably follow peaks.) Narcoleptics require level and stable energy throughout the day. We don't have this stability naturally. Anything that upsets stability tends to worsen the condition. —The Webmaster

  • Melatonin for energy. This page provides a good summary of what we know about melatonin. One fact that doesn't appear here is that the melatonin level in a normal person drops with aging. At 90, the body only produces 10 percent of the melatonin one began with. Much of the drop occurs in the twenties. Melatonin can be useful in integrating fragmented sleep, such as in narcolepsy. Yet taking the right amount at the proper time is crucial, and difficult. Also the FDA doesn't tightly regulate the quality or contents of melatonin pills. I tried two melatonin trials, taking one pill a few hours before bedtime and continuing for several months. The 1 mg trial had no noticeable effects. The 3 mg pills slightly increased drowsiness. I also noticed an increase in vivid dreams and pre-sleep visual effects. (The visuals were entertaining, but useless.) I wouldn't recommend these pills for children, as nightmares might occur. A 6 mg dose didn't seem to increase the effects. None of the effects was superior to what I achieve with the Wakeup Diet. —The Webmaster

  • L-tyrosine for energy. An amino acid that you'll find in many delicious foods, including nuts, yogurt, bananas, & avocados. L-tyrosine is a precursor to epinephrine. Helpful in maintaining energy levels while relieving fatigue & stress. Since the body manufactures it, L-tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid. Our site recommends against taking a daily L-tyrosine supplement.—The Webmaster

  • Yohimbe for energy. Yohimbe is bark shavings from an African tree. The shavings taste good. (I understand that yohimbe is also available in capsules.) Despite the good flavor, yohimbe causes disorientation, palpitations and frequent urination. I don't recommend yohimbe for any purpose. I can't imagine why people believe that it increases fertility or helps narcolepsy. Incompatible with the Wakeup Diet. —The Webmaster

Controversial Links

  • YouTube: Before & after photos of amphetamine users. Beware: Very graphic. Not for the faint-hearted! Photos depict abusers. Yet some abusers probably don't use more methamphetamine than do users with legal prescriptions. Either way, the body sustains damage. The amount of damage seems to vary from individual to individual. In fact, predicting the amount might be difficult. Usually changes to the body adversely affect the skin, teeth, liver, circulatory system, brain & nervous system. Some of these changes resemble accelerated aging.

  • System-by-system. Artwork with image map allows you to click on a body part & read how amphetamine use damages that part. Beware! The page also includes dramatic photos of "meth mouth" (accelerated tooth erosion & decay). "Meth mouth" occurs due to the dental drying effects of amphetamine compounds.

  • Meth mouth photos. Amphetamines, including methamphetamine (Desoxyn & other names) reduce saliva flow. Bacteria can then increase by ten times. The drugs themselves are highly corrosive to the tissues of the mouth. Stimulant users also tend to grind their teeth, accelerating damage. Dexedrine, Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta & other narcolepsy prescriptions cause the same “dry mouth” effect. Click here to read about the topic: Meth mouth details.

  • The Meth Epidemic. PBS documentary on methamphetamine & its effects. The first section also includes information that applies equally well to other stimulants, including prescriptions that narcoleptics take.

  • Ueberman's sleep schedule induces "polyphasic sleep," more or less artificial narcolepsy. Alleged "advantages" of narcolepsy, such as intense, realistic dreams. Bucky Fuller & Thomas Edison also dispensed with normal sleep-wake cycles. WARNING: The person who concocted this "schedule" isn't aware of the importance of non-REM sleep. This author seems unconcerned that various body systems require circadian sync. Sleep-deprivation can weaken the immune system. Research has proven that sleep deprivation can be fatal.

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